Who to Inform Before Changing Your House Address?


Who to Inform Before Changing Your House Address?

Moving house can be an exciting adventure filled with new opportunities and possibilities. But before you can fully settle into your new home, there are a few important tasks to tackle - one of the most crucial being updating your address with various people and organisations. From your post office to your insurance provider, a plethora of parties need to know your new location to ensure that you continue receiving important correspondence and communications.

While it may seem tedious and time-consuming, updating your address can be an opportunity to connect with old acquaintances, explore new neighbourhoods, and create a fresh start. So, let's dive into the art of address updating and discover the possibilities that come with it.

Moving Checklist: Who to Inform?

Post Office:

To update your address with the post office, you can visit the local post office and fill out a change of address form. Alternatively, you can update your address online through the website. There is a fee for this service, but it ensures that your mail is redirected to your new address for a certain period of time.


You should inform your employer of your new address as soon as possible, preferably before you move. This is important to ensure that your employer can update their records and send any important employment-related documents to your new address.


To update your address with your bank, you can either visit a branch in person, call their customer service number, or update your address online through their website or mobile app. It's important to update your billing address for any automatic payments you have set up to ensure that your payments are processed correctly.

Utility Companies:

You should inform your utility companies, including gas, water, electricity, and internet providers, of your new address as soon as possible. This is important to ensure that your services are provided to your new address from the day you move in. You may have to set up new accounts with different utility companies depending on your location.

Insurance Providers:

When moving house, it's important to update your address with your insurance providers, which may include various insurance policies such as

  • Home Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Pet Insurance
  • Car Insurance
  • Life Insurance

The reason for this is simple - your insurance company needs to know your new address to be able to send you important policy information, such as renewal notices, updates to coverage, and billing statements.

Family and Friends:

It's a good idea to inform your family and friends of your new address so that they can stay in touch with you. You can do this by sending them an email, a text message, or a physical card with your new address.

Government Agencies:

You should update your address with any government agencies you are registered with, such as the local council, vehicle registration department etc. This is important to ensure that you receive any important government correspondence or documents related to your taxes or other government-related matters.

Organisations You are Associated With:

You should also inform any other organisations you are associated with, such as your gym, library, and clubs, of your new address. This is important to ensure that you receive any important notifications or updates from these organisations.

Healthcare Providers:

To update your address with your healthcare providers, you can either call their office or update your information online through their patient portal. This is important to ensure that you receive any important healthcare information or notifications.

School or Educational Institutions:

If you have children, you should inform their school or educational institution of your new address as soon as possible. This is important to ensure that you receive any important school-related communications and that your child's school records are up to date.

Professional Associations:

If you belong to any professional associations, such as a trade association or industry group, you should inform them of your new address. This is important to ensure that you receive any important updates, notifications, or publications from these organisations.

Electoral Roll:

You can update your voter registration with your new address by visiting the website of the Government of the UK. This is important to ensure that you can vote in local and national elections and to ensure that you receive any election-related materials or notifications.


To update your address for the magazine, newspaper, or other subscriptions, you can usually do it online through the publisher's website or by calling their customer service number. This is important to ensure that you continue to receive your subscriptions at your new address and that you are not charged for any missed or lost issues.

Landlord or Property Manager:

If you are relocating to a rental property, you should inform your landlord or property manager of your new address. This is important to ensure that you receive any important communications or notices related to your lease or rental agreement, such as rent increases, maintenance requests, or lease renewals.

Creditors and Lenders:

To update your address with creditors and lenders, you can call their customer service number or update your address online through their website or mobile app. This is important to ensure that you receive any important notifications or updates related to your debts or loans, such as statements or collection notices.

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